I enjoy drooling over the Asian clothing at shops such as yesstyle, asiajam, and other sites. However I have never actually ordered. Lately though I've been itching to finally give it a try. As a rule I'm not one for online shopping, too shifty, buuuttt this is one exception I might just make...
An example of a slightly sketchy sounding warranty from an online Asian clothing store would be this:
We cannot guarantee specific results, however, we know our clothes are nice. First of all, we do not know what a particular person is feeling or experiencing, and there is no way to measure their level of discomfort. Everyone has different tolerances and different levels of expectations. Besides, doctors do not and cannot guarantee medicines or treatments. Physical therapists do not and cannot guarantee any specific results. Surgeons do not and cannot guarantee any specific results. Consequently, neither do we. -From Color-Shopping
Not that I'm judging the site though, it has a whole lot of nice clothes. I just don't know if I would trust it :). I mean it has separate sections for Pants, Jeans, and Trousers. Talk about specifying!
So if anyone has ever ordered from an Asian clothing site, tell me about it? How was the quality? What did you buy? I'm always interested in Asian style <3>
(P.S. Doesn't the above dress look far more Japanese than Korean? )
I shop online at eBay for Korean/Japanese fashion - it tends to be cheaper and is very safe! Usually it's the P&H that pushes the price up - some offer free shipping and others charge over $20 for one garment. >.< The quality is generally decent in my experience. I bought this --> http://cgi.ebay.com.au/08-New-Tops-Korea-Vintage-Fashion-Cocktail-Cotton-Dress_W0QQitemZ290289241138QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_15?hash=item290289241138&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A15%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 in blue. The colour was somewhat a brighter shade than the photos showed, but overall it was just as advertised. I really reccommend eBay! You just have to sort through the used/overpriced things and then you'll find great bargains! ^_^
Hmm I will have to browse Ebay a bit more it seems. Cute dress by the way..I admit though, I am always a little nervous when it comes to a site like ebay :P. At least if its from YesStyle I know for sure who its coming from ;). Nevertheless I will try to remember to check ebay too. Any good sellers you can recommend?
I ordered three things from Yesstyle last September, and I just placed another order last week. The quality is not the best, but it's good enough for the price. I just sifted through all the rbands for the cheaper, more fashionable ones. Its a huge time suck, but I was able to find semi-inexpensive and really fashionable items. Do you know any other reliable korean fashion sites? Seems to me yesstyle is the one.
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