Monday 9 March 2009 becomes

So recently underwent a, so called, "major change" to become the all new, and improved However only a few days since the launch the site is down again...for the 3rd time I think? I can't be sure, I've lost count. I've been pretty patient so far, trying to tell myself as long as iknow is still in there it will be okay.
Here is how I see it so far (obviously the site is still in shakey mode, and isn't fully functioning as intended, I do realize that)
-Very centralized, less clicking, all at your "Home" tab.
-New interface
...ugly, and cold. I miss the more professional, and less harsh, feeling of iknow
-New Name
...not digging it, it's not a radio station, why fm? Plus iknow had an almost cute feel? Smart seems like...arrogant? Haha I'm really reading into this
-New Tabs
...I personally like having individual buttons for iknow, diction, and brainspeed
-Severe Downtime and Lag
...isn't this supposed to be the site OUT of beta?

*sigh* Whatever. I'll put up with it (what choice do I have.)
But know, I am not pleased!
And yes, for your info I didn't like the new facebook either. So there!

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