Language: Japanese
All three Gokusens revolve around a Yakuza teacher, Yamaguchi Kumiko. She always ends up teaching delinquents; and through the season the fellows of questionable repute are slowly changed, by "Yankumi" (her nickname).
Each episode follows the same outline: boys are accused of something they didn't do, Yankumi believes them, they get beaten up by a gang, Yankumi saves them and they learn an important moral.
I really enjoyed this series. I admit 1 & 3 were my favorite, I found 2 just a little too similar/boring for my tastes. Although like previously mentioned, they all have the same basic plot structure, which could perhaps become monotonous (as you can easily predict what will happen.)
The main difference between the 3 seasons is the students and teachers. Although the Vice-Principle/head teacher is the same in all of them. The chemistry that goes on between Yamaguchi sensei and Kojousensei is extremely funny. He is one of my favorite characters.
Main Re-Occurring Cast:
Nakama Yukie (pictured above)

Namase Katsuhisa

Utsui Ken
The main student actors are: (according to seasons)
Season 1

Matsumoto Jun

Kamenashi Kazuya
Season 3

Takaki Yuya

Miura Haruma
(I love his hair)
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