Thursday, 24 December 2009
Merry Christmas

Saturday, 19 December 2009
Currently Watching: (6)
Invincible Lee Pyung Kang
Beethoven Virus
Smile, You (not really digging this one....)
Ando Natsu (trying to get back into Japanese drama...<_<)
Queen Seon Duk (T_T so many episodes...50)
Reviews to Come: (9)
You Are Beautiful
My Name is Kim Sam Soon
My Fair Lady
Lovers in Paris
That Fool
Coffee Prince
Shining Inheritance
Hello Miss!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
A Gaze into the Present
You Are Beautiful
My Fair Lady
Queen Seon Duk (T_T so many episodes...50)
He Who Can't Marry (Feels like it moves a lot slower than the Japanese version.)
My Name is Kim Sam Soon (having difficulties finding the last few episodes, any help?)
Reviews to Come: (5)
Lovers in Paris
That Fool
Coffee Prince
Shining Inheritance
Hello Miss!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Egao no Hosoku/Always Smiling/笑顔の法則

Language: Japanese
While on her way to a job interview, in full kimono, Kurasawa Yumi bumps into Sakurai Reijiro. This chance meetings ends up with her becoming his assistant. He is a comic book writer, about to move into seclusion at an "onsen" a.k.a. hot spring. This drama is about the inn they stay at, and all that happens within.
Will love spark between Yumi and Reijiro? Or will the owner's son interfere? How will the inn staff react, when goonies start pressuring the owner to sell?
I watched this one through rose-colored glasses, as I am a fan of Abe Hiroshi (the main fellow). However, now that I think about it, it was a tad boring and slow. Abe Hiroshi's character wasn't actually all that interesting, almost....awkward? It's defined as comedy, but I can't think of any funny parts that stick out in my mind... The romance didn't play a big part, either.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Boys Over Flowers/꽃보다 男子

Language: Korean
Geum Jan Di ends up attending an expensive, upper-class school, after saving a boy from committing suicide. While there she meets the F4 (flower 4) a.k.a the leaders of the school. They are known for giving anyone they don't like a "red card" which spells out ostracization and bullying from the rest of the school. She revolts against the strange system, and in doing so she stands again Gu Joon Pyo, the prince of princes. Oddly it causes him to fall in love with her, but her heart is unsure.,..
Note: This will not be a comparison between the Japanese and Korean versions. They are too different, and it would take up too much space....and I haven't yet seen the Taiwanese version.
The cast as a whole did well. To be honest, in the beginning I wasn't very impressed, with Kim Hyun Joong *though I've loved him since "We Got Married"* but he improved significantly. As his character evolved, so did he, and became my favorite character.
His looks improved too, wait for the hair-cut, it's worth it.....
I though Goo Hye Sun really portrayed her character well, although I found her character a little...바보-ish...but not her fault, the scripts.
I remember commenting,
"I could be the actress for Geum JanDi, I'd just flop over and close my eyes"
...she faints/collapses/is drugged/drunk(ed?)/...etc for half the show :P.
Lee Min Ho pulled off the character of arrogant/stupid/loveable prince perfectly. Enough said.
The rest supported well enough. I found Lee Min Jeong a little annoying, but that was her character... I wasn't sold on the whole Kim Bum/Kim So Eun love story....
I also wasn't very impressed with Kim Bum, nor Kim Joon. One part in particular was when Kim Bum plays the Saxophone...knowing the basics of a reed instruments means you have to fold your bottom lip under... seems easy enough, but when he played it was like he had a sucker in his mouth....
..I have to say this, "I hate the amnesia story-line!"
I didn't like it in the Japanese version, nor this one. *sigh* I guess they were just trying to follow the manga....
Drama, drama and drama again. What girl couldn't like this drama? 3 good-looking guys(won't mention the 4th of the F4...) and a story every girl wishes she was a part of. Of course I was sucked in, it's nature. However I'm not going to lie, it's repetitive, and it gets to be a bit much. But I digress, it's a good watch,
Chickflicky? Over-the-top? Maybe...Love Triangles/Squares? Happy Endings? Evil Friends? Romantic? Of course!
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Wonder Girls: The Wonder Years

Artist(s): The Wonder Girls
Has a fun feel. I'd recommend it.
"Tell Me" MV with Subs
Monday, 3 August 2009
My Dramas (listed closest to finale-farthest)
Coffee PrinceBoys Over Flowers
That Fool
He Who Can't Marry
Queen Seon Duk (50 Episodes T_T)
>_> and Happy B.C. Day....
Monday, 27 July 2009
Attention Please/アテンションプリーズ

Language: Japanese
Youko is a tomboy/rocker-chick, who finds herself at a where she needs to choose her path for life. Youko wanted to confess her love, but he left on a to the big city before she could. She begins job hunting, and decides to go to a Flight Attendant interview, and somehow passes.
So this drama chronicles the ups and downs of her training, plus a smidgen of romance.
Can Youko really become a put-together, and gentile "Cabin Attendant".
Hmm typical Japanese quirky humour? Is that what I'd call it? I didn't mind this series, not a favorite though. I mainly found it interesting to see what the training for an air stewardess' job is. The main girl is a little....annoying? Exasperating? A little too "Ganbarimase" ?
Monday, 20 July 2009
아빠셋 엄마하나/Three Dads One Mom
Language: Korean
Sung Min wants to provide a baby for his wife, Na Young, but finds it difficult to do. So he, secretly, asks his three closest friends to donate their sperm. They originally agree, but eventually beg him not to use it. During all this drama, Na Young becomes pregnant, but before his friends can makes sure he didn't use their sperm......he gets into a car crash and dies. A pregnant Na Young has to depend heavily on Sung Min's friends, even moving in with them, but what will happen?
This is one of my top dramas so far! Too cute! Funny and Romantic!
Besides, how can you say no to this face? Ha Seon-Ah~♥

Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Traditional Music + Kpop = ?
This is their latest, of SNSD's newest single "Genie/Tell Me Your Wish".
Not only do they sound great, they look like they're having a blast ^-^.You can find them at www.soreagroup.com and on youtube under, you guessed it, Soreagroup.
You can watch the original SNSD MV here.
As a bonus, here is a medly of Super Junior's "It's You" & "Sorry, Sorry" (which I featured on here before)
Two of my favorite songs, of late.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Happy Canada Day! | |%| |
Friday, 26 June 2009
하자 전담반 제로/Romance Zero

Language: Korean
Kim Woo Jin used to be a top matchmaker. However, one of his matches end when the man is discovered to be gay and leaves his bride at the alter!Everything crumbles from there. He gets pushed to a tiny office, and his new employees are the "Zero Team" a.k.a the misfits. Together they join people together, and overcome battles themselves.
However will they themselves ever find love?
Finished this one last night. It's pretty cute. Then again I'm a sucker for Kang-In♥. The characters are funny, especially "Madam Jang" with her crazy voice! Each client was entertaining, but sometimes I found the matchmaker's side plots to be a bit trying. The ending was sufficient, however I didn't like how Woo Jin ended up. He was a pretty tough, logical, cookie the whole show, and then the last 10 minutes he became a sappy romantic, ugh...but I digress...
Try this one out! Funny, and the characters are cute.
You'll be surprised by some of the episodes....
mwahahaha I can just imagine the reaction to a certain episode on a "hobby"....
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Alex - My Vintage Romance
I ordered it from YesAsia, which was prompt,

알렉스 used to be a sushi chef from Vancouver, before he debuted in Korea.
Title: My Vintage Romance
Artist: Alex Chu
Released: June 13, 2008
Ah... Ever since I heard him sing on, "We Got Married" I've been a fan of Alex. This album is a great one, his songs just melt together. Smooth, is how I would describe this CD. It describes the songs and his voice perfectly. It's mainly laid-back (lounge-y?), with it's fair share of ballad-esque stuff. Though there is the odd rap song mixed in. Some of the more mellow ones might mush a bit in your brain, but it's good stuff.
Highly recommended.
Here is the MV for 사랑하오 (I Love You)
Follow it to the end, it has an interesting switch.
(I have a few more CD's from this order, so look forward to it :)
Proposal Daisakusen/Operation Love/プロポーズ大作戦

Language: Japanese
Iwase Ken realizes, only too late, that he has feelings for his best friend, Nagasawa Masami. On her wedding day, just as the slideshow starts at their reception, everything freezes! Iwase Ken discovers that the angel, of the church, will give him a chance to go back in time. He can go back to the pictures in the slideshow, and change the endings, so that they are happier. He does his best as he goes through the pictures, from highschool to college.
But can Ken really change the past?
Hmm I liked this one. Didn't love the lead girl, thought she was a little...too needy? However I'm a Yamapi fan. It is rather...drawn out though. However there are some heart-warming moments. The whole idea is at least a little original. The angel is pretty funny too. "Hallelujah Chance!" fuufuufuu....
Last year in Japan, I started to watch the Proposal Daisakusen Special....however I was dead tired (like most nights) and had to go to bed :(. It was a lot tougher without subs too...I later watched the Special back home, it wasn't the best...>_>;
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Custard Pudding KitKat

Looks: White Chocolate?
Smell: Sweet, Strong, Vanilla (Basically smells like powdered Jell-O pudding)
Taste: I'd say the the name is pretty accurate. Not pure pudding, but custard-pudding. Kinda like licking the bowl of a vanilla cake mix (we all know what that tastes like ♥)
Score: 5/5 I would buy these often if they were over here. I'd say its maybe even better than a regular kitkat.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
"Honey, I'm Home ♥"

Well I got home on tuesday.
With a throat, ear and chest infection. Ah I love Japan.
Last year I got sick too, but had only a week to get sick.
This time around, with two weeks, I had a pretty awful time coming back.
However my stay was enjoyable.
Made a tonne of wonderful memories with my Host Family, and worked on improving my Japanese. Almost the entire time I spoke only Japanese, which was exactly what I wanted. I did long for some English conversation a few times, but I survived :). I was able to understand most of the stuff people said to me, however that was normally in simplified Japanese, or so I'm thinking ;).
First Week:
-Had school in Japan (a big woot for school uniforms ^-^)
-Discovered I'm not a fan of natto (fermented soy beans :x)
Basically smells like nail polish...>_>
-Rode a bike to school (dangerous to say the least)
-Went to Disney Land
-Sat through an 8 hour piano recital T_T
-Ate delicious food ♥ such as gyoza
-Began to get sick
Second Week:
-Had School in Japan
-Went to Disney Sea & Fuji TV
-Went shell hunting for clams, and to a nearby spa.
-Bought, ridiculously cheap, music from a second hand store
-Bought some cute clothing :D all pretty cheap too.
-Went to Asakusa, Ueno, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ikebukuro and Namja Land (a.k.a. Ghost Cat Town?)
-Watched the Gokusen III Special
☻Died just about every day from being sick.
I did mean to have this blog continue to update without me.
However the day before, when I tried to post it in advance, it wouldn't let me o_o;.
It was messing with me, so I had to let it go....
Will try to go back to updating, but school is pretty busy right now.
Will also try to do a few posts on my time in Japan.
For now, off to dinner :)
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Super Junior Sorry Sorry MV with Subs
Courtesy of CJWTown
Pretty 멋있다(cool), although mostly all dancing. But what can you do with a 13 person boy-band really?
Interesting note if I change that just a little to this 맛있다 it becomes delicious...from maw...to ma....
Friday, 13 March 2009
My Little Chef/マイリトルシェフ

Language: Japanese
Kamosawa Seri is a gourmet french chef (it runs in her blood, her father was a gourmet as well until he lost his sense of taste.) She decides to move to the city, and allow her talents to flourish. She ends up opening her own restaurant.
Hmm this is a cute series. I remember finding it a little slow however. As well the lead is...a little wooden? Maybe its just with her more introverted, character personality. Nevertheless each episode pretty much follows the same lay-out, we get introduced to the customers, and their problems. Then it ends with her cooking amazing food, the story behind it, and resolving the issue. The food always looked so neat!
Monday, 9 March 2009
Super Junior Sorry Sorry Sorry
Oh stop your crying, I know did two posts in one day. Think of it as a treat, since I'll be gone for two weeks.
Have this song stuck in my head now. Guess that's what you call a good hook, right?
Not a huge Super Junior fan. Although I follow Kang-In on WGM.
Stupid Ear-Worm ;)
iknow.co.jp becomes smart.fm?

Here is how I see it so far (obviously the site is still in shakey mode, and isn't fully functioning as intended, I do realize that)
-Very centralized, less clicking, all at your "Home" tab.
-New interface
...ugly, and cold. I miss the more professional, and less harsh, feeling of iknow
-New Name
...not digging it, it's not a radio station, why fm? Plus iknow had an almost cute feel? Smart seems like...arrogant? Haha I'm really reading into this
-New Tabs
...I personally like having individual buttons for iknow, diction, and brainspeed
-Severe Downtime and Lag
...isn't this supposed to be the site OUT of beta?
*sigh* Whatever. I'll put up with it (what choice do I have.)
But know, I am not pleased!
And yes, for your info I didn't like the new facebook either. So there!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Lovely Complex: Live Action/ラブコン

Amusing perhaps, if not just from the "Yoroshi Queeeen" bit. However it seems very...2d, not very deep or interesting. Anyone else seen this classic? ;)
Saturday, 28 February 2009
At Home Dad/ アットホーム・ダッド

Language: Japanese
Kazuyuki Yamamura was a proud business man, who looked down on his neighbor Sugio Yusuke, a stay-at-home dad. However one day the tables are turned and his wife becomes the bread winner, while he is forced to take care of the house and his child.
I watched this awhile ago, when I was all gung-ho Abe Hiroshi :). From what I can remember I quite enjoyed it. I normally...hate?...no too harsh....prefer not to watch shows with elementary aged children in it. They wreck everything T_T trying to be funny or insightful or what-have-you.....Anyways this one does okay, and thankfully focuses on him(Kazuyuki) and his journey to...home-maker status?
Cute comedy; although it's no kekkon dekinai otoko,
Actually scratch that, just watch it as a family-friendly comedy and be done with it.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Little Wonder Girl (kwiyeoweo!)
This is just too cute.
Her name is Kim Yeeun, apparently, and this is her appearing on Star King (kvariety show)
>(I highly suggest you check it out in HD)<
I don't condone sexy dance moves for little kids, ....
but the majority is just cutesy.
Normally I'd say, "aww poor kid being pushed to learn",
but man she had sass and attitude; I'm pretty sure she was having fun.
However I do worry about her future....don't go all Britney Spears by the time you're 6 kid!
I wish I could dance as good as her T_T;....
In case you didn't know she is dancing to Wonder Girl songs, a popular Korean girl group.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
My Girl/마이걸

Language: Korean
Joo Yoo Rin is, sadly, in a difficult position. Her father has racked up debt, and she is now being chased my money collectors. She helps herself to an abandoned house, but is soon discovered by the rich owner Seol Gong Chan. He eventually asks her to pretend to be his long, lost cousin.; as his grandfather is in dire straits.
Wow, another fabulous drama. I really liked this one....almost better than Full House (which is saying something.) It falls into a few pitfalls, like other dramas, such as some predictability. However it really isn't too bad! It doesn't drag things out unnecessarily either. I remember at one point expecting it to really milk something for episodes to come, but it was resolved in-episode. Finally! A drama with a little common sense! I admit the last few episodes disappointed me a bit, : ( drawn out more then I expected. The last episode seemed....hmm....strange. However I was content when it finished, cute, simple, the end.
I highly recommend this. Watch this now! pali!
Saturday, 14 February 2009
♥♥Happy Valentines Day♥♥

Strange, yes.
I thank you, Chili-Cheese-Potato-Skin-Man
(as I don't know your name, but remember the recipe you told me)
and I hope you, and everyone else has had a good v-day.
(I shared the chocolate kisses, so your good deed was spread through-out the staff :)
What did everyone else do today?
I personally think Valentines is basically for married people or couples,
so basically I'm not involved.
Can't wait for April 14th, then it's Black Day!
Where those of us without significant others eat black noodles (Korean Style :D )
Friday, 13 February 2009

Language: Japanese
Koichi Kawato is an, always, optimistic high school teacher. When he arrives at his new school he discovers the remnants of the old baseball team. Now it mainly comprises of a bunch of bad kids who smoke, and do other delinquent-y things; since being suspended from playing baseball because of initiating a violent attack against an opposing team. Koichi becomes determined to return the baseball club back to its former glory.
This is actually quite a good drama. (Although I'm probably a bit biased xD) A very feel-happy, empowering, style drama. You get sucked into it, even if you aren't into baseball :P. You grow to recognize the faults, and strengths of each member of the club. Plus Koichi, despite being optimist, isn't an idiot (most of the time)! Bonus!
Even just the theme song brings back such warm memories. (Kiseki by Greeeen. for your information)I watched this last summer with Rei, my host-sister, and it reminds me of our time together. We watched the drama series in a week, only 11 episodes, and fully enjoyed ourselves (It was also the first, and essentially only, time I ever used bit-torrent too....)
Random Fact: Greeeen, the artists that sing the theme song are all dentists (or in school to become one), and have never shown their faces before to the public. Weird eh?
Saturday, 7 February 2009
열여덟 스물아홉 /18 vs. 29

Language: Korean
While on her way to file for a divorce, Yoo Hye-Chan gets into a car accident. When she wakes up, she has amnesia, and believes she is 18! It becomes even more complicated when Shin Ji-Young professes her love to Bong-man, and Kim Noon(a high school student, no less!) falls in love with Hye-Chan.
Finished this one on....Thursday. It is pretty good. I enjoyed watching Bong-man, played by Ryu Soo Young. I also liked the sister, and brother characters, with their little side plot. Their personalities seemed...the most real? However....Hye-Chan and a few other characters....definitely got on my nerves , it did improve closer to the end though :). I just found it annoying that every time Hye-Chan felt uncomfortable she just up and left! Talk about frustrating!
When I was looking at other reviews on this they called it a "Comedy", I really can't remember any parts being very funny. It was more drama driven I'd say.
By the way, I realize I keep my reviews rather vague, as I don't want to spoil it for others. However would you rather I went more in depth? Or is it okay leaving it up to you to decide, for when you see it? ♥Leave your comments below♥
Saturday, 31 January 2009
ドラゴン桜/Dragon Zakura

Language: Japanese
Monday, 26 January 2009
Happy New Year! (again)

image taken from http://38.img.v4.skyrock.net/38a/jungsoo/pics/201663295_small.jpg Beware it's in French...)
Ttokguk Soup above (rice dumpling soup)
I happened to get invited to eat some delish Korean food a few days ago.
As a sort-of an early New Years celebration... Although all we did was sit around and eat.
There was so much food xD Now...as I didn't want to seem like a total oddball I didn't bring my camera. So therefore I have no pictures of the food. *cue sad face*
However I decided to use my magic paint(photoplus) skills to bring to life my dinner.*cue children's crying out, "Yay!"*
I really didn't do it justice. Honestly those dumplings were huge, and I could only eat two. They showed me how you put that spicy sauce on the dumplings, cut it into quarters and then eat it. They tasted a lot like Gyoza. I didn't know if Koreans have a different word for Tempura, so I just stuck in the Japanese. Same with Daikon...I believe it's Mu in Korean. However most people will probably know it by Daikon. The kimchi was daikon style too. Everything was amazing tasting. I felt so full, but I was in heaven.
Do you celebrate New Years on the 26th? Tried any of the foods I described above? I'm not doing anything special but studying :(. Although I might search out some recipes from some of the items from above instead. >_>;
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
마녀유희/Witch Yoo Hee

Language: Korean
Ma Yoo Hee is a hardened business women,( a witch according to her employees) but she craves emotional attachment. She often goes on blind dates, but is rejected for her cold demeanour. One day she meets Chae Moo-Ryong, who ends up owing her a large sum of money. To repay it he becomes her love coach...and housekeeper. Their relationship helps Yoo Hee's inner qualities shine and she blossoms. However how will her life end up when she catches the attention of an old flame? Who will her heart choose?
This is another really good kdrama. I liked the leads, and they did well. Wasn't as cliched as most, and was truly enjoyable. Sure there was a few tedious love strands in the beginning, but those were smoothed out. The change that Han Ga In, Yoo Hee, portrays is really lovely. Plus I loved most of the fellows in this. Apparently this was one of Dennis Oh(neil) 's first shows in Korean. Sure...his "okay" in English, and other English phrases got annoying...but his face made up for it ;). I also get bored by too much, conflict not enough happy...so getting closer to the ending was a little tough for me. However I wasn't really antsy until the last episode or so.
So basically, this is another keeper. Not too long either, a reasonable 16 episodes.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
ハケンの品格 / The Pride of the Temp
Oomae is a killer worker. She makes big bucks, despite only being a temporary worker. She has some quirks though, she follows the clock exactly, and refuses to work overtime. She also never works anywhere longer than 3 months. She isn't exactly a friendly co-worker either, but she is extremely efficient. This entails her time working in a new division, with rooky "salarymen". Can she overcome and educate those with prejudices again temps?
This was a okay comedy. Nice to not have a typical main character with flaws, and clumsy emotions. Oomae is a little overbearing at times, however I enjoyed her. Sure the romance was uncalled for, but expected. I'd recommend this if you're looking for a break from all those fluffy romance comedies. This one is simply about a weirdo. A nice breath of fresh-air. xD I admit I was expecting a more tragic back story. Ah well we can't always get what we predicted (although it seems to be the way the jdrama world works).
Friday, 16 January 2009
風 Kaze's Restaurant

Thursday, 15 January 2009
Starbucks Berry Chai
Yesterday I went to the "big city", and did some shopping.
Before we left, we stopped at Starbucks,
one of my favorite places in the world. <3>I normally get a chai, green tea, or strawberry frappucino.
However I decided to take a bit of an adventure,
and asked for aBerry Chai, it was one of the newest items on their list.
You can have it either iced, or warm. I wanted it as a frappicino,
but apparently that was just not possible.
So despite the chilly winter weather, I still went with the iced drink.
(I can't drink hot liquids well...ever since I was a child I've had a fear of burning my mouth...odd I know. To this day if I do drink hot chocolate, or the like, I wait for it to cool to almost a lukewarm temperature.)
...It wasn't very good.
(My mom told me to stop drinking it, otherwise I would get sick! xD) I did drink about half of it though. Both flavors separate were okay,
but mixed....it was pretty strange.
The first sip was yummy *mmm berry juice*,
then you got hit with the spicy Chai..*...what is this?!*.
Chai is meant to be with sweet milk, and spices....Berry Juice...makes milk curdle.
Reminds me of another time when I took the plunge, and tried aChocolate-Raspberry Frappicino.
(I think I just get decision anxiety waiting in line; having people behind me, so that I make rash and stupid decisions.)
That beast was probably one of the most awful drinks I have ever swallowed.
Any bad drinks you've ever had? What were they?
Saturday, 10 January 2009
ヒミツの花園/Hanazono's Secret

Language: Japanese
Tsukiyama Kayo is a magazine editor, or at least that's her title. In reality she is stuck being a "gopher" (go for this, go for that). One day she gets the chance to interview a famous manga artist. However, she once again is stuck doing errands for the assistants, to the artist. Finally she reaches her wits end, and discovers that they aren't really assistants at all! The famous mangaka is comprised of four brothers. As she keeps their secret, and helps them, she discovers more about herself and who she loves.
Wow...I watched this one awhile ago. I'll try to remember ;).
Basically it's not bad for a Japanese drama. Obviously there is the predictable predictability, but there were some good times too. I didn't recognize any of the actors at the time. I recognized the youngest brother, but I haven't watched any other series with him. I did remember Maya Miki, from "Attention Please"...I should do a review on that....A "maa-maa" movie, as in that it won't make anyone's top 10 list probably.
Final word: if you're looking for a drama that has some typical elements, but with new actors, try this out. I enjoyed watching it; I just don't remember anything special from it really, proving it to be rather forgetful.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
1%의 어떤 것/ 1% of Anything

My final word is, if you're looking for a long drama, this is a pretty good one. Sure it gets draggy, but the middle isn't too bad. The main actors/couple do well though.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Happy New Year!
YesStyle 6 of 6

Brand: Click South Korean Brand
Price: $25.20
Quality: 2.5/5
Everything I bought from YesStyle, besides a pair of shoes,
were "One Size" (as in, hopefully, one size fits all Asians ;)
Everything fit me, except for this. I mean, I wear it, yes,
but, it's huge. When I first wore it to school my friends
they commented on the rather...over sized nature of it.
In the photo of the model above, it appears to be
fitted to an extent, not super huge or anything.
However on closer examination (just recently)
I noticed those weren't pleats, but wrinkles!
I was duped by wrinkles... and possibly clothing pins to make it look better on the models...
Anyways, I'm finding ways to wear it, I accept it's bagginess,
however it wasn't what I imagined. More...like a sack.
If only this could have shrunk in the wash xD....